
Package javax.xml.marshal

Classes for scanning and writing XML documents.


Class Summary
DocumentScanPosition An object describing a scanner's position in a DOM tree.
ScanPosition A description of a scanner's position.
StreamScanPosition An object describing a scanner's position in an input stream.
XMLScanner A scanner of XML input streams or data structures.
XMLWriter A writer of XML output streams.

Exception Summary
EndOfDocumentException Checked exception thrown by an XML scanner when it unexpectedly reaches the end of an input document.
ScanException Checked exception thrown by an XML scanner when it encounters input that is not lexically well-formed or when an I/O error occurs.
ScanIOException Checked exception thrown by an XML scanner when an I/O error occurs.

Package javax.xml.marshal Description

Classes for scanning and writing XML documents.

Exception specification conventions

Invoking a constructor or method specified in this package and passing a null argument value will, unless otherwise noted, cause an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.

In many cases the specification of a constructor or method in this package makes descriptive assertions about legal parameter values. Invoking a constructor or method with an argument value that violates such an assertion will, unless otherwise noted, cause an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.


Comments to: jaxb-comments@java.sun.com
More information at: http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb

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